1. The PROVIDER „Holiday at Home” Ltd. is a company registered as Personal Data Administrator, listed in the „Personal Data Administrators Registry and the registers kept by them” under identification number 288936.

2. The PROVIDER is a Personal Data Administrator, established on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, who is processing legally and in good faith all personal data connected to the purposes of its activity - retail of goods and services, included in the website's content, and is not processing it in any different way that is not compatible with these purposes.

3. The USERS and/or CUSTOMERS whose personal data could be revealed are the individuals to whom the data relate and other individuals, if this is provided in a legal act.

4. Personal data is processed by the PROVIDER only with the consent of the USER/CUSTOMER to whom the data relate. By filling in the registration form and providing their personal data when setting up an ACCOUNT, THE USER/CUSTOMER automatically give their explicit consent to data processing.

5. The access to the ACCOUNT of each USER/CUSTOMER is password protected. The USER/CUSTOMER is responsible to keep their password private and not provide it to third parties.

6. By providing their personal data the USER/CUSTOMER agrees that the same will be used by the PROVIDER to send ADVERTISING MESSAGES. The way to deny this consent is described in details in the Terms & Conditions section.

7. Every USER/CUSTOMER has the right to request, in writing, access to their personal data, as well as the right to request from the PROVIDER, at any time, to permanently delete, correct or block any of their personal data, whose processing does not comply with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act.

8. In the case of issues, related to protection of the personal data, provided by the USER/CUSTOMER, the latter may contact the PROVIDER using the contacts, provided in the SITE.

For all outstanding issues, the current legislation applies.